Skyrim unlimited conjuration time

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Effectively I end up as a field-controlling tank. My builds are generally just like yours, but I generally swap out one handed for two, use alteration instead of Alchemy and only dabble in enchanting to make room for some investment in illusion. You could include block (I usually invest one or two perk points), but if you're going to use a sheild-spell combo (I've tried) extensively there is this annoying trend that when you change spells via hotkey, It'll unequip the sheild instead of changing the spell in your spell hand. Restoration is nice too, but I've found that if you are heavily summoning and throwing fireballs like me, you usually don't have enough mana to heal yourself as much as you want to anyway. Soul stealer, Oblivion bindings, Conjuration dual casting unchanged at this time. Mystic Bindings: Bound weapons do 100 more damage.

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If you are using one handed then destruction isn't really nessasary, although it is nice to support your antronachs with their corresponding element. Master Conjuration: Cast Master level conjuration spells at half magicka. You don't really want to focus on many more than 6-7 skills or you begin to become more of a jack of all trades than a conjurer. I think you've got a very solid build there.